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Oct 1, 2020 1:34 PM
Oh man, a proper Umineko adaptation would save anime. Edit: tho that adaptation would need at least 4 seasons, each like 24-26 episodes long, to even begin properly adapting the monstrosity that is Umineko. |
Oct 1, 2020 1:35 PM
Shirase-san said: Finally the remake version is released! and I like the character design, the character design is similar to the character design of the Monogatari series. Whole episode I was like IS IT SHAFT but then I checked studio again and saw poorly animated scenes.. then I saw faces close ups, shadows, cute cat mouths and cheeks and still had gatari vibes and then really bad quality full body screens, this is so weird I just can't I watched higurashi back when I was a kid and I don't even remember much so I guess I'll give this a try |
Oct 1, 2020 1:36 PM
Lustreless said: Devil_Slayer said: bruh we are not even on the creepy part yet, why are you whining about the lack of creepiness when this episode was 90% SoL? There is a nice round 0 of whining in my post. Just honest thoughts sprinkled with reluctant optimism and well-grounded worries. The real creepiness of first part of Onikakushi-hen stems from exactly that SoL. It's all chill, fun and games until something a bit off happens. Nothing much, just a dissonance in the ensemble. That's where the actual scary bits take place. Not in what's shown and portrayed, but in what's hidden and assumed. I might have phrased it inaccurately in my first post - there is a difference between scary and creepy, after all. Buy hey - maybe it's the fact that in the history of vn adaptations only 2 were ever properly done what's causing me to be so wary. I'm not whining, mate, I'm actually thrilled for more. But when you are a huge fan of a franchise and it's newest addition is off to a wobbly start, you sometimes can't help but get panicky. Let's just hope it all turns out gucci, and we get ourselves the third successful vn adaptation, eh? I feel like you are setting unrealistic expectations here. The Creepiness exist, the tension exists. I know it's not much but I saw serval reactions on youtube to people new to the series who found the episode very unsettling and were on the edge of their seat due to the first 20 sec of the episode. I can't talk on behave of everyone, but almost every new watcher to the series did fine the first episode unsettling and creepy so the anime definitely did it job right in that regard. I mean you said you were a fan for 10 years, at this point nothing from this series will actually "scare" you because know every detail of every corner. IMO it's not a fair comparison to compare your point of view to somehow new to the series As an old watcher what you should expect is a smooth adaption, good art and animation. all which were pretty decent in the first episode IMO |
Oct 1, 2020 1:38 PM
amare135 said: I hope this leads to an umineko reboot They will need some serious motivation if they want to adapt Umineko. Which is a shame cuz Umineko completely blows Higurashi out of the water as a story. |
Oct 1, 2020 1:40 PM
Ashhk said: It doesn't look bad but I still wonder why they remade Higurashi, the original version was perfect. And damn they used the original opening, nice S1 was far from perfect, you must be clearly referring to S2, which deserved all the praise it got. |
Oct 1, 2020 1:40 PM
Devil_Slayer said: they know how it ends this timeamare135 said: I hope this leads to an umineko reboot They will need some serious motivation if they want to adapt Umineko. |
Oct 1, 2020 1:43 PM
Kougeru said: DrLarsen said: _f said: After watching this episode definitely gonna go watch the 2000's version first I would also recommend you to do so, we can't say for sure what this remake is going to end up as, but I can for sure say that the original is good and it will be RIP for you if you watch the remake, disliking it and won't ever be able to watch the original without already knowing everything beforehand... I agree with this. It has some "quality" animation and doesn't adapt the VN exactly but it's a really solid anime that was very popular in its day despite what the haters like to say. Also every theme song was 10/10. Yeah nothing feels more nostalgic than Higurashi's first opening, it's totally god tier. |
Oct 1, 2020 1:47 PM
Devil_Slayer said: but I saw serval reactions on youtube to people new to the series who found the episode very unsettling Oh please, it's all over the top for publicity's sake. YT's "reacting to x" videos have always been a farce. I could tell you the same: 2 folks with no prior knowledge of Higurashi I talked to didn't particularly like it for being "a rushed mess". De gustibus and all that jazz. Devil_Slayer said: IMO it's not a fair comparison to compare your point of view to somehow new to the series I'm not? Who's comparing these? What I posted were my thoughts, not an objective analysis of the episode. Devil_Slayer said: As an old watcher what you should expect is a smooth adaption, good art and animation. all which were pretty decent in the first episode IMO We'll just have to agree to disagree, but I sure as hell hope it's you - not me - who's in the right. Feel free to @ me once it ends up on a high note and I'll take it all back ;) |
Oct 1, 2020 1:58 PM
Oct 1, 2020 1:58 PM
NoviSun said: HunLepto said: Thank you for making my point. Isn’t there somewhere you could discuss the VN? To the best of my knowledge this topic in the forum is about the anime and not the VN. Maybe YouTube would be a good place to look for fellow VN lovers.NoviSun said: Dorkave said: The VN readers are always pist and flapping their jaws to everyone’s weariness. If only they had a place of their own they could go and share their wisdom there.It looks like a lot of visual novel readers are pretty pissed about the post-credits scene. I have only seen the anime so I have no idea what it's supposed to imply, but if it's already a fuck up, I'm concerned. Maybe if studios wouldn't animate like 40 percent content of VNs, us VN readers could shut up, but nah. I actually hoped and expected that the first two episodes will be full of slice of life scenes with obvious foreshadowings. I seriously hoped there would be more episodes given to each arcs, but it seems they're not really gonna give them more episode counts than Deen did either. VN readers can never win with anime adaptations whenever there's something with multiple arcs or routes. Except Youtube is not a forum and there's barely VN-related content there that is fully uploaded (no missing pieces) and also popular. But don't worry, I'm not gonna write anyway for other episode discussions. |
Oct 1, 2020 2:03 PM
first time watching this, why the f every one kinda sus somebody got killed yet 2 character said nothing happen, is this kind of "no war in basingse?" The last scene, teleport in the back "nothing personal kid" this anime got my attention indeed |
Oct 1, 2020 2:03 PM
Absolutely loving this series ! The opening had me hooked. The animation is beautiful and clear. I actually think they look more like their ages in this version, not that they didn’t before. I can even see them gearing up to those creepy close ups of their faces we all know and love. 😂 Also so happy to see my girl Rika again. 😫💜 (Oh and that old OP at the end is giving me all the nostalgia). |
Oct 1, 2020 2:05 PM
It was looking like regular remake of the Studio Deen series. Better animation, pretty good atmosphere, and with the legendary opening song of the original at the end. I'm thinking: "Nice, it'll be fun rewatching the same story with updated animation", but then they hit us with the ending with Rika. What was that??? I really didn't expect them to switch up the story, I'm so excited :D Maybe we'll be able to experience the original arcs from the perspectives of different characters? Can't wait to see how this remake will surprise us next. |
Oct 1, 2020 2:07 PM
animefans001 said: HunLepto said: Tsukumo_Yuuma said: Dorkave said: It looks like a lot of visual novel readers are pretty pissed about the post-credits scene. I have only seen the anime so I have no idea what it's supposed to imply, but if it's already a fuck up, I'm concerned. It's not a big deal really, they are the ones spoiling the new fans by pointing out that scene was a spoiler, tell me you(as a newcomer) did you get anything from the last scene? (other than that she's creepy like what you'll think of most of the character cuz of the first scene) If this was not a mystery (I actually wonder if Passione even knows that), I wouldn't mind much. The joy of mysteries is that you, the viewer actually don't know the suspect either and can theorize on your own with the gathered evidences in the story, but here, it basically deters you from the suspects you're supposed to focus on and gives you a new suspect that you have no information of. The viewing experience would also be much better if fleshed out information was given instead of just out-of-place scenes like this that just makes new viewers confused and ask themselves "When will that little girl with strange eyez kill everyone? lol". higurashi is never a story that u can find the truth solely by gathering evidences.It will actually be a great misleading if anyone watched that scene and think rika is the one behind all of these.At the end of the day none of the truth is revealed so i dont know why this isnt a mystery I meant mainly that mysteries are better enjoyed when YOU, the viewer or reader is the one who is trying to guess who the suspects are, how the situations turn out the way they do, etc. Of course you may not know the suspects from the very first arc and episode, but you still can gather evidences to cross out certain situations and characters from the list of possibilities, but Rika standing there menacingly just confuses the viewers as to where to even put her. If they don't aim to keep the story mysterious and show many stuff that's supposed to happen in the background instead of having it played mostly from the main character's view, they already fail at making this adaptation a mystery. |
Oct 1, 2020 2:10 PM
_MushiRock11_ said: Was that very final scene of Rika present in the OG though? Pretty horrifying, not going to lie but isn't it giving away too much? Could this have been from the visual novel? If so, it'll be a more faithful adaption? How very curious-striking... Can confirm that the last scene was not present in the VN, so it's anime original. And yeah, I do think it gives away too much, especially since they don't directly show that anything's off about Rika until the 4th arc (watanagashi) which is a little less than halfway through. And I would say that it's as faithful as the 2006 version so far. They are probably going to skip the majority of the club activities, which was the most boring part of the VN (so I'm not complaining, but it does make you care more about the characters and the events when you see their friendship first). But it's not like there's any perfect way to adapt a 100 hour book into an anime anyway, that would be asking for a lot. |
Oct 1, 2020 2:15 PM
Honestly I'm not impressed with this remake as far as ep1 goes. The 3d models and motion are distractingly bad (the water wheel and separately moving 3d environment are the most distracting), the character art is at more than a few times inconsistent (keiichi's legs when he is waking up in the morning look like they are less than a quarter the length of his torso, his eyebrows change every few scenes, whenever characters move closer to or farther away from the "camera" the proportion change to represent that is very noticeably amateur at best), there is minimal effort in scene consistency (the close up of satako sitting next to keiichi shows her basically leaning on him then when it shifts away from the close up she is easily a foot away plus rika magically changes where she is sitting during that shift plus tons of other moments), the 2d animation is at multiple times even rougher than some of the worst examples in the original and the excessive use of shadows to censor violence (that whole opening scene had over half the screen be nearly pitch black) is nearly as bad as some of the worst offenders in recent memory like Juuni Taisen. I get that all my complaints are essentially visual and don't directly impact the plot but the only thing the original could have used improvement on was the visuals and even that wasn't bad except at a few standout moments. Plus visuals play a large part in pulling you in and setting the mood for the plot (this is true for live action and animation) so jarring animation can easily ruin immersion and take away from a otherwise well written scene. It does seem like this remake is doing a good job at maintaining the vibe of the original and when it is consistent the art is definitely a fresh coat of paint(though the originals first episode's method of setting the same mood was more efficient imo but that's purely preference). There are some other things that bugged me that are definitely just preference related stuff like how the characters hair and skin is so shiny it looks like they had oil dumped over them that don't affect the show quality but overall the generally well below average animation both 3d and 2d and at times lack of scene consistency just makes me wonder who exactly this remake is appealing to. This remake does a number of things well (always showing the calendar as each day passes to clarify and emphasize the timeline which should help a lot with the resets is a welcome addition) and as it goes on could improve in the visuals department and the writing could prove better than the original but as far as first impressions go this remake just feels like a worse version of the original in nearly every way despite the original being over a decade older. |
Oct 1, 2020 2:15 PM
Lexicoo said: And I would say that it's as faithful as the 2006 version so far. They are probably going to skip the majority of the club activities, which was the most boring part of the VN (so I'm not complaining, but it does make you care more about the characters and the events when you see their friendship first). But it's not like there's any perfect way to adapt a 100 hour book into an anime anyway, that would be asking for a lot. Totally agree with this I think the scenes do give a light hearted atmosphere to a lot of episodes, that you do kind of need with a plot this dark, and it does a good job of showing all of their personalities and how different they all are. (Good if you’ve not seen the original). I do agree that it would be good if there are less of the club activities scenes and more into the backstory etc and really get into the plot. Also that Rika scene at the end has got me absolutely gassed!! |
Oct 1, 2020 2:16 PM
Looks cool I'll keep up with it |
Oct 1, 2020 2:28 PM
WTC FANS LETS GOOOOOOOOOO Honestly? I'm blown away. For several reasons, but they all probably stem from the fact I had no expectations going into this. Getting to live with the Hinamizawa kids again feels so GOOD. I cannot believe they played the song... the song! Are we keeping it? Was it just for debut? Are we getting new Eiko Shimamiya music. Chills, hitting me like giant nostalgia-filled bricks. I actually like how it didn't feel overdramatic. They kept it unsettling and weird without pushing a gimmick and in fact let the silence speak for itself. Not giving Keiichi inner thoughts was a choice that I'm incredibly interested in seeing how it pays off + if/when it'll change. The colors in motion are quite lovely, the bubbly expressions are inviting, and the backgrounds not being crispy but slightly blurry against the light filters, are all so... cohesive? Yes they're vibrant, but I wouldn't say saturated. There's definitely an established rule to get balanced dark/light tones. I'm becoming a fan. Dare I hope studio Passione plays it well and gives us all the rising emotions, next week can't come sooner. |
Oct 1, 2020 2:50 PM
Kougeru said: okok, already on episode 4, will have high expectations!DrLarsen said: _f said: After watching this episode definitely gonna go watch the 2000's version first I would also recommend you to do so, we can't say for sure what this remake is going to end up as, but I can for sure say that the original is good and it will be RIP for you if you watch the remake, disliking it and won't ever be able to watch the original without already knowing everything beforehand... I agree with this. It has some "quality" animation and doesn't adapt the VN exactly but it's a really solid anime that was very popular in its day despite what the haters like to say. Also every theme song was 10/10. |
Oct 1, 2020 2:52 PM
YEESSSS! ITS TIME TO CRAP MY PANTS AGAIN XD Finally, the madness and the insanity that is known as Higurashi is here with its remake! Having watched the original and being one of my all time favorite shows, this first episode was quite similar to the original version, lighthearted at first and started to give some glimpses of the macabre stuff going around Hinamizawa (not to talk about the very first scene of this episode, that seemed to be VERY well animated, i think the gore will get more graphic this time around, that's gooood, give me the juice and nightmare fuel man xD). Art style was good imo, but i do have to get accostumated to it as the episodes go on, but that shouldn't be a problem in all honesty. The ending left me speechless ahah, the hype is so immense! Fucking Rena with the saw, sent chills down my spine lmao, it's time for the dementia to explode!!! Also, Rika's eyes were just frightening xD AND THE ORIGINAL OPENING, FOR THE DAMN NOSTALGIA, I WANTED TO CRY xD Ohh boy, i'm gonna love this, episode 2 here we go! HANDLE THIS WELL PASSIONE, PLEASE! |
Oct 1, 2020 2:52 PM
rafaelfserafim said: Devil_Slayer said: A real shame, but at the same time I find it extremely difficult to fit anime format, perhaps on the frustration of an awful adaptation. What I really think is that Umineko's dialogues, if skipped, must be done with extreme caution.amare135 said: I hope this leads to an umineko reboot They will need some serious motivation if they want to adapt Umineko. Which is a shame cuz Umineko completely blows Higurashi out of the water as a story. Ryukishi07 said he wanted another chance to happen, but I don't really think it will. it probably will if this one ends up to be good. Fans of higurashi cant wait to see rika again in umineko and new comers will have more interest in this horror/mystery when they cry series. |
Oct 1, 2020 2:56 PM
I didn't watch the original version so i'm excited to watch the remake! Hopefully it will be as accurate as possible. Most horror films that i'v watched I knew what I was getting into, but for this one I don't really know the gist of it so i'm excited :) Why do some of the characters look like high schoolers and others preschoolers?....I don't just mean the main characters, the side characters too, there is a huge range. I guess it sorta makes sense since it is a small village but at the same time not really... Oml the KO moments pshhhhaha, Rika is so adorable. yess i'm so excited for rena being the antagonist, it was really obvious. I'm really going to like that side of her more than the sweet side. Kinda reminds me of kushida from classroon of the elite. The green haired girl is obviously I bad bitch, can't wait to stan the fuck outta her. Fav character atm |
Oct 1, 2020 2:57 PM
Overall, this episode was kind of a mixed bag for me. I liked the first scene and it shows they won't shy away from the heavy aspects of the show. I also liked being introduced to the characters at the beginning while they were preparing to go to school, although it gives away that Satoko and Rika live together, but that's not much of a big deal either I liked how we're introduced to Satoko's traps right away, and both her and Rika her more fleshed out, which is a great win for this version. I had some problems with the pacing, though. An example: in both the VN and the OG anime, they show the scene with Mion and Rena invite Keiichi to hang out with them. This lets us know of their Sunday reunion, sets up the trio's interactions and reinforces the SoL aspects. Here they just randomly appear meeting up and it felt very random to me. Also, there was a scene between the scavenger hunt and the Kenta-kun rescue that they had the calendar show the next day, then we got one shot of rain, then the following day and then the garbage dump scene in about 5 seconds. It felt very rushed to me, if I'm honest. I was not a fan of replacing the Jijinuki game with the scavenger hunt. I get that they have to shake things up and not be identical (which is the reason why I ultimately accept it), but the card game was iconic and actually goes along perfectly with the last scene in Onikakushi. The situation is exactly the same: a punishment game when they're going to draw on him with marker. Keiichi being pinned down by Rena while Mion approaches him with the marker and Keiichi struggling and screaming like a maniac happen in the card punishement as well. Even the last word Keiichi says before getting drawn on and before killing Mion and Rena is the same: "Yameroooo!". If you watch this back to back in the OG anime or the VN, you'll understand why Mion and Rena didn't think anything was out of the ordinary. This new version missed this potential comparison that can surprise the viewer even in a second watch. The garbage dump scenes were both done well, especially the second one. I'm not convinced with Tomitake, but the Keiichi and Rena parts were good. And my absolute favorite part of the episode: when Keiichi sees the truth about the murder and the OP of the OG anime starts playing... that made my day. It was amazing. Regarding the post-credits scene, I didn't like it very much. It's not actually a spoiler, as many people are saying, and it will not be a big deal to new viewers. But there are two important reasons why it can change a new viewer's experience compared to how it used to be in the VN and OG anime.
Some other observations because this sh is getting long (sorry lol): I really liked the background art, especially the landscapes of Hinamizawa and the water running through the wheel, but I'm not completely sold on the character designs. I love that they kept in the old music! Can't wait for the creepy and tragic themes to hit. I also feel that this anime was made for old fans, as they don't explain things that can be obvious for old timers, but definitely not for newcomers. An example: in both the OG anime and the VN, Keiichi explains about the type of school they're in and why there are in a mixed class. This anime just glosses over that, which can make people wonder why the heck Keiichi is in the same class as Satoko, Rika, and those little kids that were shown running out of the classroom. The lack of Keiichi's voiceovers can also be a sign of this. I'll still be watching the next episodes and I hope they can make this a great anime, but I'm not going in with crazy hype either. Edited because of typo and formatting. |
random_weirdoOct 1, 2020 3:08 PM
Oct 1, 2020 2:58 PM
On the first note, the hype for this season I have is legit 🔥 However, the art style seems too bright given that this is a psychological horror story. As far as the scenes go, I really didn't feel much impacted by the Rena with a cleaver scene as I felt in the first season, but that Rika scene was surprisingly good. However, if I ain't mistaken, that scene wasn't there in the original or was it? |
Oct 1, 2020 3:04 PM
How sad they spoiled in the very first episode other than that the rest are good. Holy shut Original OP is back! But why Passione why??? It's a mystery horror, and it's not your ordinary mystery horror, it's a WhenTheyCry Mystery horror known for slapping you with plot twist and terror. |
Oct 1, 2020 3:04 PM
As a VN reader I honestly didn’t take issue with the pacing, the SOL aspect in the VN is so drawn out it’s almost frustrating after a point, and you don’t want newcomers to feel the same about the anime and drop it. I don’t take issue with the post credits scene either, it doesn’t give anything away imo. If anything it’s more to be confused about for new viewers. Honestly overall I’m putting a lot of my trust into this adaption because Ryukishi is quite involved from what I hear, in contrast to the original series. So I trust that he’ll help make this a worthy adaption! |
Oct 1, 2020 3:04 PM
Aryale said: Why do some of the characters look like high schoolers and others preschoolers?....I don't just mean the main characters, the side characters too, there is a huge range. I guess it sorta makes sense since it is a small village but at the same time not really... Heh heh, I actually just posted this: random_weirdo said: ... in both the OG anime and the VN, Keiichi explains about the type of school they're in and why there are in a mixed class. This anime just glosses over that, which can make people wonder why the heck Keiichi is in the same class as Satoko, Rika, and those little kids that were shown running out of the classroom. I didn't see your message while writing that, but it's funny that we were connected. Anyway, you're in for a ride. If this manages to replicate the awesomeness of the source material, you're going to love it :) |
Oct 1, 2020 3:05 PM
random_weirdo said: You got alot of points down to the note. Imo, the opening being played at the end just brought back feels and memories and BAM! It felt good. As for the Rika focus, it does kinda make you lose the shock factor of the revelation of Kai as everything was about Rika and H****.Overall, this episode was kind of a mixed bag for me. I liked the first scene and it shows they won't shy away from the heavy aspects of the show. I also liked being introduced to the characters at the beginning while they were preparing to go to school, although it gives away that Satoko and Rika live together, but that's not much of a big deal either I liked how we're introduced to Satoko's traps right away, and both her and Rika her more fleshed out, which is a great win for this version. I had some problems with the pacing, though. An example: in both the VN and the OG anime, they show the scene with Mion and Rena invite Keiichi to hang out with them. This lets us know of their Sunday reunion, sets up the trio's interactions and reinforces the SoL aspects. Here they just randomly appear meeting up and it felt very random to me. Also, there was a scene between the scavenger hunt and the Kenta-kun rescue that they had the calendar show the next day, then we got one shot of rain, then the following day and then the garbage dump scene in about 5 seconds. It felt very rushed to me, if I'm honest. I was not a fan of replacing the Jijinuki game with the scavenger hunt. I get that they have to shake things up and not be identical (which is the reason why I ultimately accept it), but the card game was iconic and actually goes along perfectly with the last scene in Onikakushi. The situation is exactly the same: a punishment game when they're going to draw on him with marker. Keiichi being pinned down by Rena while Mion approaches him with the marker and Keiichi struggling and screaming like a maniac happen in the card punishement as well. Even the last word Keiichi says before getting drawn on and before killing Mion and Rena is the same: "Yameroooo!". If you watch this back to back in the OG anime or the VN, you'll understand why Mion and Rena didn't think anything was out of the ordinary. This new version missed this potential comparison that can surprise the viewer even in a second watch. The garbage dump scenes were both done well, especially the second one. I'm not convinced with Tomitake, but the Keiichi and Rena parts were good. And my absolute favorite part of the episode: when Keiichi sees the truth about the murder and the OP of the OG anime starts playing... that made my day. It was amazing. Regarding the post-credits scene, I didn't like it very much. It's not actually a spoiler, as many people are saying, and it will not be a big deal to new viewers. But there are two important reasons why it can change a new viewer's experience compared to how it used to be in the VN and OG anime.
Some other observations because this sh is getting long (sorry lol): I really liked the background art, especially the landscapes of Hinamizawa and the water running through the wheel, but I'm not completely sold on the character designs. I also feel that this anime was made for old fans, as they don't explain things that can be obvious for old timers, but definitely not for newcomers. An example: in both the OG anime and the VN, Keiichi explains about the type of school they're in and why there are in a mixed class. This anime just glosses over that, which can make people wonder why the heck Keiichi is in the same class as Satoko, Rika, and those little kids that were shown running out of the classroom. The lack of Keiichi's voiceovers can also be a sign of this. I'll still be watching the next episodes and I hope they can make this a great anime, but I'm not going in with crazy hype either. |
Oct 1, 2020 3:12 PM
so far it's looking pretty good. i just finished the 2 original seasons a few months ago but i'm already full of nostalgia! i'm so glad to listen to the song and the nipah again! also, anyone else found rikka's eyes at the end a bit out of place? |
Oct 1, 2020 3:12 PM
Interesting how they did the sequence of events. Im not a huge fan of them abandoning the first person perspective, it'll be interesting to see how they do it in the other arcs, but overall it's a solid start. Chills down my spine when the old opening started. And the very end with Rika really have me chills |
Oct 1, 2020 3:13 PM
Totally disappointed. Weak clip art looking animation and...worse music than the original? Hm. Non destinct character designs? I'll rewatch the original in stead of continuing with this. Sad. |
Oct 1, 2020 3:27 PM
PeachyPatbingsu said: As a VN reader I honestly didn’t take issue with the pacing, the SOL aspect in the VN is so drawn out it’s almost frustrating after a point, and you don’t want newcomers to feel the same about the anime and drop it. I don’t take issue with the post credits scene either, it doesn’t give anything away imo. If anything it’s more to be confused about for new viewers. Honestly overall I’m putting a lot of my trust into this adaption because Ryukishi is quite involved from what I hear, in contrast to the original series. So I trust that he’ll help make this a worthy adaption! Mostly agreed. Some VN fans enshrine the SoL scenes and they weren't all that either. I think the important thing is balance: enough of the SoL scenes to get a feel of the characters and to pull a good contrast with the darker twist, but not enough of them that the reader/viewer gets bored. |
Oct 1, 2020 3:29 PM
SPIDEY_rockzzzzz said: random_weirdo said: You got alot of points down to the note. Imo, the opening being played at the end just brought back feels and memories and BAM! It felt good. As for the Rika focus, it does kinda make you lose the shock factor of the revelation of Kai as everything was about Rika and H****.Overall, this episode was kind of a mixed bag for me. I liked the first scene and it shows they won't shy away from the heavy aspects of the show. I also liked being introduced to the characters at the beginning while they were preparing to go to school, although it gives away that Satoko and Rika live together, but that's not much of a big deal either I liked how we're introduced to Satoko's traps right away, and both her and Rika her more fleshed out, which is a great win for this version. I had some problems with the pacing, though. An example: in both the VN and the OG anime, they show the scene with Mion and Rena invite Keiichi to hang out with them. This lets us know of their Sunday reunion, sets up the trio's interactions and reinforces the SoL aspects. Here they just randomly appear meeting up and it felt very random to me. Also, there was a scene between the scavenger hunt and the Kenta-kun rescue that they had the calendar show the next day, then we got one shot of rain, then the following day and then the garbage dump scene in about 5 seconds. It felt very rushed to me, if I'm honest. I was not a fan of replacing the Jijinuki game with the scavenger hunt. I get that they have to shake things up and not be identical (which is the reason why I ultimately accept it), but the card game was iconic and actually goes along perfectly with the last scene in Onikakushi. The situation is exactly the same: a punishment game when they're going to draw on him with marker. Keiichi being pinned down by Rena while Mion approaches him with the marker and Keiichi struggling and screaming like a maniac happen in the card punishement as well. Even the last word Keiichi says before getting drawn on and before killing Mion and Rena is the same: "Yameroooo!". If you watch this back to back in the OG anime or the VN, you'll understand why Mion and Rena didn't think anything was out of the ordinary. This new version missed this potential comparison that can surprise the viewer even in a second watch. The garbage dump scenes were both done well, especially the second one. I'm not convinced with Tomitake, but the Keiichi and Rena parts were good. And my absolute favorite part of the episode: when Keiichi sees the truth about the murder and the OP of the OG anime starts playing... that made my day. It was amazing. Regarding the post-credits scene, I didn't like it very much. It's not actually a spoiler, as many people are saying, and it will not be a big deal to new viewers. But there are two important reasons why it can change a new viewer's experience compared to how it used to be in the VN and OG anime.
Some other observations because this sh is getting long (sorry lol): I really liked the background art, especially the landscapes of Hinamizawa and the water running through the wheel, but I'm not completely sold on the character designs. I also feel that this anime was made for old fans, as they don't explain things that can be obvious for old timers, but definitely not for newcomers. An example: in both the OG anime and the VN, Keiichi explains about the type of school they're in and why there are in a mixed class. This anime just glosses over that, which can make people wonder why the heck Keiichi is in the same class as Satoko, Rika, and those little kids that were shown running out of the classroom. The lack of Keiichi's voiceovers can also be a sign of this. I'll still be watching the next episodes and I hope they can make this a great anime, but I'm not going in with crazy hype either. Thank you! Speaking of which, when I saw that Rika's eyer were glowing red I immediately thought: isn't Hanyuu the one supposed to have red glowing eyes? I'm guessing that's why they did it, though |
Oct 1, 2020 3:33 PM
Haven't watched the original. Not sure if I should go watch that first or just continue here? Any suggestions? |
Oct 1, 2020 3:40 PM
Absolutely AMAZING!!!!! 😍😍😍💖💖 |
Oct 1, 2020 3:42 PM
Playcool said: Ashhk said: It doesn't look bad but I still wonder why they remade Higurashi, the original version was perfect. And damn they used the original opening, nice S1 was far from perfect, you must be clearly referring to S2, which deserved all the praise it got. Very that. If they're doing the whole thing then it'll be tough to top Higu Kai, but it'll be real easy to top season 1. Soviet_Yunyun93 said: Haven't watched the original. Not sure if I should go watch that first or just continue here? Any suggestions? Hard to say at the moment. This and the OG are at pretty much the exact same place by the end of episode 1 with just minor differences. |
KeirikOct 1, 2020 3:49 PM
Oct 1, 2020 3:47 PM
Oct 1, 2020 3:47 PM
When i listened to the Original OP. I started to scream. I'm a simple Man |
Oct 1, 2020 3:54 PM
Honestly the first thing I wanted to know was if the opening changed. Hearing back the OP from the original brings so much nostalgia... Based on what the new studio is showing is clearly that this remake is intended to those who know the history because those changes may impact the story differently, is hard adjusting to the new art but I think is a good change since this is an anime where the innocent looking characters are not what they appear |
Oct 1, 2020 3:57 PM
I thought the color saturation was bad in the promo art, it looks worse in the actual episode... |
Oct 1, 2020 4:03 PM
Soviet_Yunyun93 said: Haven't watched the original. Not sure if I should go watch that first or just continue here? Any suggestions? If I were you, I would wait until more episodes of this one to come out and see how audiences react. You could watch the one that gets the best reviews. Many people I know were turned off by the original because of the art style and the animation. You could try watching the first episode of that one- the events are the same, so you won't be spoiled of anything. If you don't like the style, then you can stick to this one. |
Oct 1, 2020 4:05 PM
Very excited with this first episode, new animation, new looks but i still feel the aura like the original anime. This brings me back to the old good times of the anime, super hype for whats to come |
Oct 1, 2020 4:09 PM
Oct 1, 2020 4:13 PM
Wow...just wow. I was looking forward to this, but wow, this blew my expectations out of the water. Passione knows what they are doing with this, and I can’t wait to see more. Too bad I have to wait a week...I WANT MORE, DAMNIT! Also, how many episodes will this be? I want to know that! 4.5/5 for this episode. Hope it keeps up the surprisingly high quality later on. And no, I haven’t seen Studio Deen’s adaptation, I’ve only seen clips and screenshots of that one. |
Pandora Hearts is the best manga ever made and deserves an anime reboot |
Oct 1, 2020 4:14 PM
Oct 1, 2020 4:24 PM
That was pretty good. Definitely seems like this may end up being better than the original. Animation was pretty on point so hopefully the production doesn't fall apart. |
"Otaku search for patterns within data presented and draw conclusions. Anime fans only see clones and copies." -artificialnightsky |
Oct 1, 2020 4:30 PM
I think I'll pass on this remake for the time being. I'll watch it after I watch it original series first. With this one kind of lack faith in a good adaptation considering how modern adaptations are (especially VN adaptations at that). The actual VN would be the safest route but those are too long for me. |
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