Here is an example of what i was hinting at in the previous pic. In the smaller image you have the more compressed social version of myself. His shape is more subdued and his marking slightly altered. Where as in the larger you see me in my full size full alien look. If you can tell I altered my image in the smaller one to look more like an Orca versus the larger where my look is more surly, I hope i come off that way.
This is also a play off my RL self. I have a sort of permanent scowl on my face that causes my family to constantly ask me whats got me so angry. In all honesty i get it from my grandmother if you can believe it or not.
Im still trying to get my markings down. Doing my best to keep things looking as organic as possible without it looking to pasted on. Its probably gonna take me a while but for now I'll just experiment and enjoy the process.
It is me after all, it took me 29 years to get here its probably gonna take that long just to develop my Orca self. Heh.
This is also a play off my RL self. I have a sort of permanent scowl on my face that causes my family to constantly ask me whats got me so angry. In all honesty i get it from my grandmother if you can believe it or not.
Im still trying to get my markings down. Doing my best to keep things looking as organic as possible without it looking to pasted on. Its probably gonna take me a while but for now I'll just experiment and enjoy the process.
It is me after all, it took me 29 years to get here its probably gonna take that long just to develop my Orca self. Heh.
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Miscellaneous
Species Whale
Gender Male
Size 1000 x 847px
File Size 236.9 kB
ah gosh, you've certainly progressed quite alot since i've first seen ya w/ TK. It's always neat to see what you've done next!
Really enjoy the surly look, very... primal? masculine? can't think of the word, but it looks really cool and powerful. almost stalwart and hardened.
the smaller picture of the more calm and collected version puts a smile on my face =] very pleasant and humble looking~
Really enjoy the surly look, very... primal? masculine? can't think of the word, but it looks really cool and powerful. almost stalwart and hardened.
the smaller picture of the more calm and collected version puts a smile on my face =] very pleasant and humble looking~